2013年1月17日 星期四

Bynari » Troubleshooting Tips and Techniques with Postfix log files

Bynari » Troubleshooting Tips and Techniques with Postfix log files

Understanding how to fix or resolve an issue is often the easy part of system administration. Understanding how to "identify" the cause of an issue is usually much more difficult.
When working with Linux servers, specifically Linux email servers, it is important to always review log files for possible "clues". When reviewing log files, there are two Linux commands that can help dramatically: egrep and grep

egrep (extended grep) allows you to search a file for a pattern using full, regular expressions. This includes metacharacters such as < and >.
grep allows for basic regular expression searching in a file.
This article will show some of the more common methods for troubleshooting Insight Server Postfix log files.

