2012年4月29日 星期日

AWK Tutorials

AWK Tutorials: "AWK Tutorials" @ softanorama.org

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Gawk: Effective AWK Programming - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Gawk: Effective AWK Programming - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF): "Gawk: Effective AWK Programming"

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Set and Graph Datatypes for Python: kjbuckets Release 2.2

Set and Graph Datatypes for Python: kjbuckets Release 2.2: "Introduction

The kjbuckets module defines three data types for Python: kjSet, kjGraph, and kjDict. These types come with a number of associated methods, including common set theoretical operations such as union, intersection, difference, composition, transposition, reachability sets, and transitive closure.

For suitably large compute intensive uses these types should provide up to an order of magnitude speedup versus an implementation that uses analogous operations implemented directly in Python.

The following discussion assumes the kjbuckets module has been compiled and installed in the Python executable. For information on how to perform such an installation, see the Python extensions manual that comes with the Python distribution.

Release 2.2 contains a number of goodies not documented here. If you want, you can try to figure them out from looking at the code!

Release 2.1 had a problem linking under Python 1.2. This has been fixed in 2.2."

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2012年4月12日 星期四

BQhouse!全國房展網 - 點土成金專區 - 興建客家文化園區

BQhouse!全國房展網 - 點土成金專區 - 興建客家文化園區: "利用苗栗的自然環境與人文環境,形成臺灣北部客家研習中心。計畫內容包含以下幾項:

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2012年4月10日 星期二

List of top open source BPM / workflow solution

List of top open source BPM / workflow solution: "Every organization has their very own distinct business processes which differentiates them from their competitors.

Some companies have predefined processes while some have processes which are defined by the employees themselves. Imagine what would happen if each customer support representative have their own way of managing a customer. Without a proper process in place, calls from customers can go unanswered and can be transferred endlessly."

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NxBRE: "NxBRE is the first (timely speaking) open-source rule engine for the .NET platform and a lightweight Business Rules Engine (aka Rule-Based Engine) that offers two different approaches:

the Inference Engine, which is a forward-chaining (data driven) deduction engine and that supports concepts like Facts, Queries and Implications (as defined in RuleML Naf Datalog sub-language) and like Rule Priority, Mutual Exclusion and Precondition (as found in many commercial engines). It is designed in a way that encourages the separation of roles between the expert who designs the business rules and the programmer who binds them to the business objects.
the Flow Engine, which uses XML as a way to control process flow for an application in an external entity. It is basically a wrapper on C#, as it offers all its flow control commands (if/then/else, while, foreach), plus a context of business objects and results. It is a port of JxBRE v1.7.1 (SourceForge Project from Sloan Seaman) to .NET's Visual C#."

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ruote - index

ruote - index: "Ruote is a workflow engine written in Ruby. Ruote is not a state machine library.
It could be described as an ‘operating system for business processes’.

A ruote engine may execute multiple process instances at a time. Processes are instantiated from process definitions written in a Ruby DSL or in XML (or directly as JSON). Process definitions describe the flow of work among participants. Participants stand for users, groups of users, services, legacy systems, etc."

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Galaxia Workflow Engine : HomePage

Galaxia Workflow Engine : HomePage: "The Galaxia Workflow Engine has been retired from Tiki4 and is superseded by Category Transitions, which serve the same general purpose, but are much more tightly integrated.

Similar to workspaces vs the AulaWiki mod, Workflows will be created and managed by using existing Tiki features (categories, wiki pages, trackers, etc)

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WfMOpen: "Welcome to the WfMOpen project

WfMOpen is a J2EE based implementation of a workflow facility (workflow engine) as proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Object Management Group (OMG).

The workflow component is based on a set of JAVA interfaces that define an API for a workflow management facility. The basic "omgcore" interfaces follow OMG's Workflow Management Facility Specification, V1.2 very closely, while making some modifications to adapt the CORBA service to the established design practices for a Java API."

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清泉農場: "清泉農場將於十二月中旬,推出以下八種頂級生菜沙拉:
紅捲鬚生菜(Lolla Rosa) - 市價每公斤460元, 清泉農場仍照原價優惠客戶"


芝麻菜又名箭生菜或德國芥藍(Arugula or Rocket),具有濃烈的芝麻香味,葉片似小蘿蔔或蕪菁。芥科植物(mustard family), 歐洲沙拉常用的生菜,帶有胡椒和乾果的味道,在歐美是十分受歡迎的一種野菜。芝麻菜可以生吃或熟食,它是種可以使湯、莎拉、義大利麵、三明治更有風味的調味料.它也是一種湯品的良好醬料,在地中海地區或東方中部,芝麻菜常被拿來作芥茉醬。營養豐富,每100克芝麻菜嫩葉片含干物質6.52克、可溶性固形物2.61克、還原糖0.03克、蛋白質2.27克、纖維素0.64克、總酸0.06克、維生素C55.35毫克、β-胡蘿蔔素1.23毫克、鈣162毫克、鋅0.40毫克、鐵1.71毫克、錳0.30毫克、硒2.02毫克。芝麻菜種子含油量達35%左右,可加工製作菜籽油供食用。同時,種子既具有降肺氣、利肺水等功效,也可用於治療喘咳痰多、久咳、水腫、尿少、尿頻等疾病。近年來醫學研究表明,芝麻菜還具有較強的防癌、抗癌活性物質。部分地區多以采收種子供作藥用和采收嫩株供作蔬菜食用。

法國捲鬚生菜、菊苣含豐富維生素、礦物質、纖維素與葉綠素,尤其維生素A,生食對眼睛有益,能明目。纖維素中的酵素與植物生化素可防癌。有「護眼蔬菜」之稱的「菊 苣」,是僅在深秋至初春時才產出的特殊葉菜,由於菊苣富含鉀、鈉及鎂等礦物質, 因此對於視網膜及視神經均具有強化功能而菊苣的種植又不能噴灑農藥,因 此,無論生食或絞汁都相當適宜‧它的葉子含有豐富的鐵分、鈣和銅,有的地區用它的葉子來治發炎。菊苣所特有的天然Oligo寡糖,內含豐富的Bifidus菌,不容易在胃部被分解破壞,所以可以完整的到達腸道。
西洋生菜有苦味的菜有五種:菊苣、法國捲心菜、吉康菜、義大利紅生菜、比利時小白菜 。若吃起來不苦就不合格,為了「顧目睛」,你要忍耐。或拌其他生菜,沙拉醬一起吃。

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商業周刊--從一無所有走出來的 本土生菜女王

商業周刊--從一無所有走出來的 本土生菜女王: "不讓對手乘虛而入 颱風後冒險上山巡菜,確保穩定供貨


其實,七年前,林晏廷對生菜的認識,還與一般主婦無異,歷經離婚之痛、身負三百萬元債務,在短短八年的時間內,她如何成為台灣的生菜女王? "

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NOWnews【在地情報】台中縣/水耕蔬菜達人陳金鎮 務農20年辛勤守護菜園

NOWnews【在地情報】台中縣/水耕蔬菜達人陳金鎮 務農20年辛勤守護菜園: "農民陳金鎮二十年前投下巨資做開墾二分餘地水耕蔬菜,近年來陸續設置廠房,從第一個月收成一萬五千元虧本生產,堅持至今二十年,讓他成為台中縣的水耕達人,水耕蔬菜高營養價值與清爽口感,讓他深深著迷,意志堅持下永不放棄。 "

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水耕蔬菜園 » 首頁

水耕蔬菜園 » 首頁:

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台灣中藥產業現況 - 廖美智 - @ 喜樂、光明、空靈 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

台灣中藥產業現況 - 廖美智 - @ 喜樂、光明、空靈 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :::

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台灣中草藥網: "2008年台灣中草藥市場概述

據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)的報告指出,全球約有40億以上的人口使用中草藥,80%的民眾曾採用傳統醫療。全球超過130個國家應用中醫藥,124 個國家建立中草藥研究機構。依據IMS報告顯示2005年中草藥市場為289億美元,推估2007年約為362億美元,在區域性中以歐洲的41%居首位、其次北美洲的22%、日本、中國大陸等。"

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台灣中草藥網: "需求,更廣、更豐富的台灣中草藥網,除保有藥材資料庫外,更加入廠商技術交易平台之服務項目及全球植物藥市場、法規等相關資訊。冀能對我國植物藥產業提供優質藥材資源與技術資訊,促進國內植物藥新藥之研發以及增加與國際合作機會,加速國內植物藥產業與國際接軌,進而取得國際競爭優勢。


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平民一生 - 奇南活沉香

平民一生 - 奇南活沉香:

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2012年4月6日 星期五

2home 打造桃花源 - Powered by Discuz!

2home 打造桃花源 - Powered by Discuz!:

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誠品網路書店 - 第一次種菜就豐收

誠品網路書店 - 第一次種菜就豐收:

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博客來書籍館>遇見永田農法 四季蔬果都美味

博客來書籍館>遇見永田農法 四季蔬果都美味:

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分享永田農法 3 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

分享永田農法 3 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格:

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分享永田農法2 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

分享永田農法2 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格:

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分享永田農法1 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

分享永田農法1 - きときと北陸妻 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格:

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2012年4月1日 星期日

HBase vs Cassandra: why we moved « Dominic Williams

HBase vs Cassandra: why we moved « Dominic Williams:

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NoSQL解決資料庫暴量的新方法 | 技術專題 | iThome online

NoSQL解決資料庫暴量的新方法 | 技術專題 | iThome online:

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NetFlow: how to install and configure flow-tools and FlowViewer on a fresh Debian setup « Pierky’s Blog

NetFlow: how to install and configure flow-tools and FlowViewer on a fresh Debian setup « Pierky’s Blog:

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Instapaper 網路好文暫存,從稍後閱讀、舒適閱讀到認真閱讀 | 電腦玩物

Instapaper 網路好文暫存,從稍後閱讀、舒適閱讀到認真閱讀 | 電腦玩物:

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Feedly 取代Google Reader、更好的閱讀介面(Chrome擴充套件)

Feedly 取代Google Reader、更好的閱讀介面(Chrome擴充套件):

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[教學] 如何免費增加 Dropbox 容量至上限 20GB?

[教學] 如何免費增加 Dropbox 容量至上限 20GB?:

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全面做好GTD任務管理:Toodledo、TaskUnifier與Pocket Informant « 簡睿隨筆

全面做好GTD任務管理:Toodledo、TaskUnifier與Pocket Informant « 簡睿隨筆:

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Google Drive cloud storage service launching soon, says WSJ | The Verge

Google Drive cloud storage service launching soon, says WSJ | The Verge:

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Google Drive:Google 自家雲端儲存服務,真的要推出了嗎? | 科新聞

Google Drive:Google 自家雲端儲存服務,真的要推出了嗎? | 科新聞:

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Google Drive 擷圖流出,送你5GB免費空間 | 科新聞

Google Drive 擷圖流出,送你5GB免費空間 | 科新聞:

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